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IFIP ICEC 2020 Online Conference

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Between 10 - 13 November 2020has been taken place the 19th International Federation for Information Processing - International Conference on Entertainment Computing (IFIP ICEC), fully online. ATS has presented in the first day of the conference a case study for a game created with the Location Based Game Technology offered by the Beaconing, which had as a subject of study History of Heritage buildings from Targoviste and Energy management. The case study was presented during the Workshop session on Applying and Facilitating Serious Location-based Games. The workshop aimed to bring together the stakeholders interested in serious location-based games in order to join efforts in this field.
In the second day of the conference, was presented the article "Applying and Facilitating Serious Location-based Games" wirtten in collaboration with Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge from BIBA – Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik, Germany and Heinrich Söbke from Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Bauhaus-Institute for Infrastructure Solution, Germany.
To find more information about the conference, visit