DIGITOOLS – Digitalization of Training Contents for Middle Schools aims to contribute the development of European digital educational content to promote the highest pedagogical and educational quality and improve the digital teaching skills and competences of teachers. Raising the quality and inclusiveness of education and training systems and the provision of digital skills for all during the digital transitions is of strategic importance for the EU as to Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2017)(DEAP).
The main objectives of the project are:
- development of skills and competences of teachers to design and deliver digital training who teach Science, Mathematics and English at middle level will be developed. They will be provided readymade digital training materials, digital assessment tools for the selected classes
- development of digital learning skills of students in middle schools grade 1 and provide them a platform in which they can learn free of time and place and help them to learn better and easier
- support teachers, school leaders and decision makers on digitalisation of education and provide them recommendations how to facilitate it in their organizations.
- support parents on how to encourage their children at home in digital learning
Project informations
No. Grant: KA226-C8348F1C
Co-funded: Erasmus+
Coordinator: Governorship of İstanbul
Academic partners: Institute for the Promotion of Development and Training, Spain; Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Iasi, Romania; Bogazici University, Turkey; Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education, TuRkey.
Industry partners: Center for Educational Initiative Aassociation, Bulgaria; Advanced Technology Systems, Romania.