Dr. Ioana Andreea Stefan (Stanescu)

I coordinate the Research and Innovation Department of Advanced Technology Systems. My research focuses on software ecosystems, knowledge management, decision support systems, game-based learning, reusability, standards, interoperability, accessibility and creative learning. I have a PhD in Computer Science - Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of the Romanian Academy.

My experience

I work with
  • Data base: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL
  • CMS: Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Moodle;
  • Programming languages: CodeGear Delphi, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET;
  • Web technologies: ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, Web Services
  • Graphic editor: Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premier Pro, Adobe After Effects, etc.
Research projects
  • Rural Neet Youth Network - RNY;
  • Design Thinking for Sustainability Education - DT4S;
  • Breaking Educational Barriers with Contextualised, Pervasive and Gameful Learning - BEACONING;
  • Intelligent decision support system for the low voltage grid with distribution power generation from renewable energy resources - INDESEN;
  • Development Environment and Syllabus for Serious Games Implementation - DESiG;
  • Transnational network for integrated management of intelligent doctoral and postdoctoral research in the fields of military sciences, security and information and public order and national security - Continuing education program for elite researchers - SmartSPODAS - IT Expert;
  • EPSRC (UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council), HW-IMRC (The Heriot-Watt Innovative Manufacturing Research Centres).Serious Games for Computer Aided Engineering and Product Prototyping – Researcher;
  • STELLAR NoE Theme Teams Games Enhanced Learning (GEL) – Research Assistant;
  • GALA - "Game and Learning Alliance" – Researcher;
  • Research on the development of an experimental model of a mobile learning virtual network, with real time access to knowledge and learning based on communication technologies and wireless devices – Research Assistant;
  • Application for encoding/ decoding of 2D barcodes and access of Web Services on mobile devices/ platforms – Research Assistant
  • Develop project proposals and project consortia under national and international funding schemes.
  • Perform the overall day-to-day management of projects and ensure that project objectives are achieved within time/cost/quality constraints.
  • Responsible for project documentation
  • Responsible for project completion and production of the lessons learned report.
  • Perform management of the risks of the project, including the development of contingency plans.
  • Identify new sources of funding and coordinate the process of accessing funding.
  • Development of project proposals.
  • Elaborate research reports, analyses, studies, articles and other materials.
  • Establish new contacts and initiate collaborations with other institutions.
  • Develop research objectives, projects and proposals.
  • Produce research reports, fact sheets, and other written materials, including analyses based on timely, systematically derived data.
  • Identify sources of funding and contribute to the process of securing funds.
  • Write or contribute to publications or disseminate research findings using other appropriate media.
  • Give presentations at conferences or exhibit work at other appropriate events.
  • Development of authorization management system for public administration
  • Development and implementation of online payment solutions
  • Analysis of interoperability systems for public administration
  • Development of a mobile knowledge management system (mKMS)
  • Execution and optimization of the design of web pages/applications and other graphic and functionality elements;
  • Elaboration of specifications for website design/ web applications;
  • Stefan (Stănescu), I.A., Stefan, A., Gheorghe, A. F., Roceanu, I. Baalsrud Hauge, J. M. (2016). Changing the fabric of learning content through the atomic learning approach. The Interservice/ Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, USA.
  • Baalsrud Hauge J., Wiesner S., Stefan (Stănescu) I.A., Stefan A., Thoben KD. (2016) Applying Gamification for Developing Formal Knowledge Models: Challenges and Requirements. In: Nääs I. et al. (eds) Advances in Production Management Systems. Initiatives for a Sustainable World. APMS 2016. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 488. Springer, Cham, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-51133-7_84
  • Gheorghe, A.F., Stefan (Stănescu), I.A., Stefan, A., Crintescu, M. Beligan, D., Cirnu, C.E. (2017). Prototyping Digital Educational Games. In proceedings of the 13th International Scientific Conference eLearning and software for Education (eLSE 2017), Bucharest, Romania.
  • Stefan (Stănescu), I.A., Gheorghe, A. F., Stefan, A., Arnab, S., Loizou,M., Morini, L., Baalsrud Hauge, J. (2018). Location-based Metagames for Learning, The 14th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Stefan (Stănescu), I.A., Stefan, A. (2018). Decision Support Systems with Dynamic Architectures, 7th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control (ICCCC), Oradea, Romania.
  • Stefan (Stănescu), I.A., Stefan, A., Gheorghe, A. F., Yanez, P., Loizou, M., Arnab, S., Beaufoy, J. (2018). Blending context-aware challenges into learning environments, 12th European Conference on Games Based Learning, Sophia Antipolis, France.
  • View more on CV
Member in scientific committees and/ or reviewer
  • Immersive Learning Research Network – iLRN
  • International Conference on Entertainment Computing – ICEC
  • Games and Learning Alliance Conference
  • Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
  • International Journal of Serious Games
  • Journal of Universal Computer Science, Special Issue on New Trends in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
  • International scientific conference on "eLearning and software for education" | eLSE (din 2009)
  • Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications | VS-GAMES (din 2012)
  • Virtual Reality intenational Conference VRIC (din 2013)
  • Serious Games Workshop ICALT (din 2012)
  • International Workshop on Collaboration and Gaming (din CoGames 2013)
  • Journal of Educational Technology & Society (ediţie specială 2013 „Game based learning for 21st century transferable skills: challenges and opportunities”)
  • Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology (Special Collection 2013)

My Projects

  • All
  • Websites
  • Interfaces
  • Miscellaneous
    Samples; Presentation Assets; InfoGraphics;
  • BEACONING Student UI
  • BEACONING STEM challenge
  • GAME
    Conceptual design; asstes
  • GAME
    Conceptual design; asstes
  • ATS
    Website; Presentation Assets
  • INDESEN Application
    Artwork; Assets
  • SGREF Application