Document management
Budget execution
The Budget management allows a electronic management of the planned budget and its tracking at chapter / subchapter / paragraph and article level. The execution of the projects and investments defined within a unit can be tracked separately, for each type of financing.
The application aims to make budget versions that contain all the annexes and have individualized information for the validity period, the date of creation, the user who created the version, the notifying person, the motivation for changing the budget structure, the state of the structure.
When elaborating the budget versions, are used an analysis module and a budget forecast module, with priorities, calculation parameters, working hypotheses, statistical data with similar projects (term value forecasts), etc.
Main objective
The application focuses on planning and tracking of budgetary values, the elaboration of budget versions and multiannual budgets, as well as the realization of revenue and expenditure forecasts.
The specific objectives of the application are:
- Planning and tracking of budgets, depending on the definition of functional and economic classification by types of budgets, taking into account the organizational structure for which the budget is defined (on secondary or tertiary credits).
- The breakdown by activities of the consolidated budget at a certain level within the organizational structure, with the versioning of the budget for preserving the history of its values and the possibility of using drafts until the approval of a budgetary rectification.
- Development of budgetary versions and multiannual budgets.
- Forecast of incomes and expenses in order to manage the budget execution by providing useful information about the "decision support and analysis", destined to the management department of the institution. Based on the data accumulated in the system, the application focuses on forecasting the evolution of certain indicators, depending on the various parameters.
- Update of account forms, details of expenses, balance sheet according to the specifications of M.F., annexes generator;
- Import data from Accounting application and defining financial statements provided by the law.
- Export data from the report in the M.F. application
The application exchanges data with the Accounting application.